Samsung ML 1640 refill reset toner

Samsung ML 1640 refill reset toner

Am deschis acest post cu gandul ca poate va da cineva peste si vom afla mai multe despre aceasta imprimanta.

Voi pune mai jos cateva moduri de a reseta, refill-a toner-ul/imprimanta.


1: open up the printer’s back cover
[you will find there two boards… you need to focus on the smaller one]

2: find the 93c66 chip [it’s a tiny chip on the board as shown in this picture: the chip you are looking for is the one that has that green wire on it… yours won’t have the wire on it…]

3: focus on pins 1 & 4 [looking at the picture will help you identify them… in the picture… it’s the two pins that are connected with the green wire]

4: as soldering might be difficult [it was for me :P] you can find a paper clip, open it up… and connect the two ends to the two pins [imagine that the green wire is actually your paper clip] IMPORTANT: don’t touch the paper clip with your fingers, use some nippers [gosh :)) i don’t know the word in english for this 😛 … it’s „cleste” or „patent” in romanian]

5: as you have the paper clip connected, turn the printer on… wait for 15 seconds…

[if you will pay attention to the control light on the front of the printer… you will notice that it will be red for a while, and then green… don’t exactly know the order :P]

6: turn the printer off… disconnect the paper clip…

7: put the cover back…

further actions: when your printer will stop printing after other 2100 pages… just repeat steps 1 to 7 [7 being the most important, obviously :P]

hope this helps… i ain’t got any other useful information to provide for succeeding in this process [manka is still the MAN :P]


pasi sunt in urmatoarea ordine

1. refilezi cartusul original venit o data cu imprimanta
daca ai un alt cartus scoti chipul, siguranta aia…
2. faci acel strap, cu imprimanta scoasa din priza
3 pui cartusul refilat in imprimanta
4. pornesti imprimanta 10 sec
5 scoti imprimanta din priza si desfaci strapul, scurtul
6 pui imprimanta in priza, o pornesti si e gata…..
7.dezinstalezi driver-ul si il instalezi iar.
8.Cand se termina cartusul refilat o ei la capat cu pasul 1


The shorting of PINS 1 and 4 will not work anymore if you have bought the new Samsung 1640 printer 2009 series.  The lastest firmware of Samsung ML 1640 is
V1.01.00.83 04-08-2009.

Many thanks to the people who here have sent in solutions.I flashed with firmware V1.01.00.78. to  the old V1.01.00.60 and problem seems to have been resolved.The amber light kept flashing for ages , and I lost patience (30 mins or so) and turned off the printer

and turned it back on and fixed the flashing red light issue.

1)Downloaded zip file
2)Extracted zip file contents into a new directory
3)Plug in printer and make sure its marked Online in your Printers control applet in Windows
4)Drag and drop the ML1640_V1010060.fls file onto the usbprns2.exe binary
5)Light will turn amber
6)Get a cuppa
7)Some people have reported theirs to restart and set itself to green position.As previously said I restarted mine manually.

I uploaded my firmware here


Simply go to DOWNLOADS under Price List and Other Free Stuff

From another customer :
os verison was 09-30-2008
engine verison 1.00.49
spl version : 5.07 06-27-2006

Downgrade the version to

Note : After downgrading the Firmware please short the PINS 1 and 4 then the printer will resetLaughing

Or My Own Technique

Personally i tested myself on a new samsung printer

and i downgraded to 60 then there is no need to short the PINS 1 and 4. Note : after doing all of the above you still and wanted to use cheap or refillable ML 1610 or compatible ML 1610 meaning your ML1640 printer can accept ML1610 or ML1640 toner cartridges! isnt that cool! but you have to convert your printer with our special attachement as shown on this previous BLOG ” New Procedure in Converting Samsung ML 1640″

and pay P 2,500 otherwise if you are happy with shorting PINS 1 and 4just use your existing ML 1640 cartridge with the Fuse/Chip and refill till its useful life



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7 comentarii la „Samsung ML 1640 refill reset toner

  1. Din pacate pt versiunie fabricate din ian 2010 nu merge nici una din variantele de resetare pe care le-ai scris si nici pe net nu se gaseste nimic. Am luat legatura cu niste service-uri din tara dar nimeni nu garanteaza ca si functioneaza. Singurul in care am incredere si a incercat pe una model fabricat in feb 2010 a spus ca in momentul in care se face scurt la pini 1-4 se arde imprimanta si nu se mai functioneaza. Asa ca… mai asteptam.

  2. Da posibil ca cele din 2010 sa nu mearga. Uite iti dau un nr de telefon 0788621118 firma se numeste servtech este din Iasi. Mai mult de atat nu te pot ajuta.

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